What we are playing is a weekly column published on Sunday. Select members of the team talk about the games they’ve been playing over the past week and which they’re most looking forward to.
Scott Baker – You know the game Don't Starve on PC? I'm playing a similar game called Don't Fail. It's a game where you are a student, employee, and writer all at the same time, and you have 7 days to take three tests, write a paper, give a presentation, write a review, while attending classes and work for 8 hours each day. Some of you probably know what that's like. Managing my Halo 4 addiction at the same time.
Nick Santangelo – It was a busy week at work, so I didn't get a whole lot of gaming done. I played a few hours of Dead Space 3, and that was it. It's decent enough, but nowhere near as good as the first two games.
Matt Liparota – It's been a light couple of weeks for me, gaming-wise, but I was able to carve out some serious time this week. I jumped back into Dishonored and am still enjoying the ever-loving heck out of it (even if I did see the midgame plot twist coming a mile away); after spending the most of my early playtime trying to make do with the default power (for the related achievement), I when whole hog upon my return and started playing with the various abilities, each of which totally changes the way you play the game. On the portable gaming front, I picked up Paper Mario: Sticker Star for the first time in months and found myself totally addicted – where I made my way through about half the first world when the game hit last year, in just a few days I'm well into the fourth area. It helps that I've been unable to find the one 3DS game I really, really want to pick up – Fire Emblem: Awakening – after finally downloading the demo early in the week.
Nathan Bowring – This week I continued my trek through Assassin's Creed III. I'm about finished with the campaign; some missions I really enjoyed while others were just poorly made. As much as I enjoy exploring colonial America, I still don't think it's better than ACII. I also got Infinity Blade on my iPad, which is turning out to be the first game app I'm actually impressed with. The combat is very simple and satisfying, yet hard to master. I just hope I can finish the game without going through too many bloodlines.
Your turn.
What we are playing: February 17
The post What we are playing: February 17 appeared first on XBLAFans.