What we are playing is a weekly column published on Sunday. Select members of the team talk about the games they’ve been playing over the past week and which they’re most looking forward to.
Ryan Thompson – No games for me this week except for a few stray games of League of Legends on PC. My infant's baptism is this Sunday, so I have been preparing for family to arrive. Looking forward to getting back to gaming after the weekend!
Nick Santangelo – I finally got around to it this week. I finally got around to playing our site's Game of the Year: The Walking Dead. It's been sitting in my Steam account since the Holiday Sale, but I haven't had the chance to play it until this week. After about an episode and a half I'm loving it. The only other thing I played this week was some Halo 4 multiplayer, which is always a good choice.
Chris Leggett – I've continued to chip away at my Halo 4 solo Legendary run, and I'm now at the very end. I also took the opportunity to check out the Dead Space 3 and Metal Gear Rising Revengeance demos on the Xbox Live Marketplace. Going in with low expectations for both, I came away surprised and impressed on both counts. February could be an expensive month, it seems…
Scott Baker – I finally picked up Halo 4. You should know that I played Halo 2 online for years. Then I played Halo 3 online for years. I'm not a fan of mandatory map packs, but for Halo 4 and its significantly improved multiplayer, I might make an exception. I'm not a COD fan (too twitchy, I suck at it), but 343 was wise to adopt the loadout and ordnance mechanics so that your playstyle is personal. That and the campaign features a staggering sense of discovery echoed by my favorite game of all time, Metroid Prime. Figures, since some of the same people worked on this…
Brandin Tyrrel – There hasn't been much time for games this week. I put some time into Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, which is an excellent, hardcore hybrid-RPG with design and writing that still holds up since its release back in '98. Outside of that, I jumped back into the Halo 4 multiplayer scene with humbling results, but it's as fun and addictive as ever.
Nathan Bowring – This week I played Spartan Ops in Halo 4, trying to get caught up now that the season has just started back up. It's nowhere near as good as campaign, the repetitive maps and mission structure makes it feel a lot like Firefight. I'm enjoying it though, and the great CGI openings to each episode do make the grind more bearable. I've only made it to episode 5, since I always get distracted by the daily War Games challenges when I start up the game.
What we are playing: January 27
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